29 November 2012

27 November 2012

it's up to you

“What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God’s faithfulness?” (Romans 3:3, NIV)

Have the opinions of other people caused you to water down your dreams? There will always be critics and naysayers in life. It’s not what’s said about you that affects your life, but what you say and believe about yourself.

One of the most important things you can learn is that other people don’t have to believe in you in order for your dreams to come to pass. Other people don’t set the limits for your life — you do. In Romans 3:3, the Apostle Paul is saying, “It doesn’t matter if other people don’t believe. Their unbelief is not going to keep me from believing in my dreams.” When God puts a promise in your heart, it’s not up to other people to bring it to pass, it’s up to you! You don’t need everyone to validate you. You have to follow the voice of God for yourself and allow Him to order your steps.

Remember, God sees the hidden treasures that you’ve had buried on the inside of you. He wants to bring those treasures out and make your dreams reality! As you get rid of old, defeated thoughts and replace them with what God says about you, you will remove the limits and live the abundant life God has in store for you!

kaget dan kagum itu adalah saat dimana gwe, lagi galau karna apa yang baru gwe putuskan ditentang oleh seseorang, dan pas gwe baca tumblr, yang gwe dapet adalah ini, :") yes God, bukan tentang pendapat orang lain, it's about You. Kalau Tuhan yang put desires in my heart, opini, pendapat, kritik, cela orang lain yang menjatuhkan gak akan bikin gwe down. yeah~

25 November 2012

i feel loved

3 hari belakangan ini gwe belajar banyak hal.
Ba-nyak. Hal-hal yang cukup menguras air mata, air mata terharu, sedih, bahagia, dan kagum. Semuanya ada di 3 hari terakhir ini.

First of all, i'm learning about HOW GREAT AND SUPER DUPER AMAZING GOD I HAVE. :"D Tuhan yang luar biasa yang ngurusin semesta, ngurusin kapan matahari nongol, kapan bulan nongol,  Tuhan yang ngurusin kapan hujan turun, kapan bunga bermekaran, kapan planet muterin matahari, Tuhan yang ngurusin ada beberapa otot di kepala ulat bulu, ada berapa kaki di kaki seribu, Tuhan yang ngurus alam semesta yang super indah ini adalah Tuhan yang sama yang ngurusin gwe. Tuhan yang sama yang ngurusin masa depan gwe nanti kayak apa, nanti gwe bakal kenal siapa, nanti gwe bakal sekolah dimana, SMP dimana, SMA, kuliah, magang, kerja dimana, nanti bakal nikah sama siapa, nanti bakal jadi apa.... TUHAN YANG SAMA! iya sih emank udah tau dari dulu, tapi 2 hari ini kotbahnya somehow ngingetin ini lagi.... dan kalau TUHAN YANG SUPER KEREN NGURUSIN ALAM SEMESTA itu juga ngurusin gwe, trus apalagi yang harus dikhawatirin????? :"D

Kedua, ...... i'm learning, relationship means much more than my ego. Confessed things i'm feeling nowadays directly to the person, and end up with tears, but tears with relief :") And yes, things get better, at least with my own feeling.

Ketiga, sekarang makin bener-bener ngerti arti quote God put someone in your life for a reason. sekitar sebulanan yang lalu entah datang dari mana tiba-tiba gwe dikenalkan Tuhan dengan seseorang, dan seiring berjalannya waktu, gwe makin ngerti ini orang entah berantah tujuannya apa di hidup gwe, kenapa bisa nyangsang kemari, kenapa bisa kenal..... Lewat orang ini gwe dikuatkan dalam banyak hal. Much things yang kalo kata bahasa dia, dia dapet 'impression' dari Tuhan tentang gwe, it really strengthened me, and since she is an intercessor, alias pendoa, alias perantara pesan, then gwe mengamini setiap hal positif yang dia rasain tentang gwe sebagai message dari Tuhan :"D and yes, if you're reading this, you are really blessingssss for much people around you :")

Inti dari hal-hal diatas yang gwe alamin adalah, Tuhan baik, di segala kondisi dan situasi. AND YES WE ARE LOVED BY THE CREATOR OF UNIVERSE. doesn't it sound awesome?

ps: lagi suka banget lagunya Laura Story, judulnya GRACE. ini sebagian liriknya yang auch banget buat gwe..

I ask You: "How many times will You pick me up, when I keep on letting You down?

And each time I will fall short of Your glory, how far will forgiveness abound?"

And You answer: "My child, I love you.

And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace."

22 November 2012

youtube: reality changers

Belakangan ini gwe lagi kecanduan. Well, not to negative things, tapi kecanduan nontonin youtube, coba deh search channel 'reality changers'.

Sejauh yang gwe tonton sih, overall itu tentang seorang ayah, dan dua putrinya yang super duper unyu sweet cute banget! Kisah yang diupload cuma seputar kehidupan sehari-harinya mereka, dari si bokap nganterin anak ke sekolah, lunch bareng, masakin makanan, nyanyiin lagu pengantar tidur buat si anak, sama ayahnya + anaknya yang paling gede coverin beberapa lagu. Sepele banget emank kisahnya, tapi subscribers nya cukup banyak dan akhirnya membawa si ayah sama anaknya ke Ellen Show, dan beberapa show di negaranya.

Yang seru bukan cuma nontonin videonya aja, tapi bacain komentar dari para penonton di seluruh dunianya. Baaaaanyak banget komentar yang mengharu biru yang bilang betapa terharunya mereka nontonin video si ayah sama dua anak ini. Ayahnya namanya Jorge Sanchez, anaknya namanya eliana sama alexa. Jorge sama ibunya anak-anak udah pisah, they're no longer live together, tapi beberapa hari dalam seminggu anak-anak tetep tinggal sama ibunya, jadi kayak hak asuhnya beda hari gitu deh. Tapi what amazing is betapa di videonya keliatan banget si ayah sayaaaaang banget sama anak-anaknya.

Dan yah, gwe yang lagi PMS, which means lagi over sensitive ini sempet terharu biru sampe menitikkan air mata nontonin video-video unyu mereka. What did i see? I see a great love of a father's heart. Si anak juga saaaayang banget sama papinya ini. They always says to each other 'i love you'. Aduh unyuu banget pokoknya.

it reminded of something, kalau ayah di bumi aja segitttttttuuuu sayangnya sama anak-anaknya, apalagi Bapa di Surga. :")

plus gwe juga lagi kecanduan lagu fall in this place nya planet shakers. kira-kira dalam dua hari ini, udah puluhan kali lah di repeat terus~

20 November 2012


"Siapakah yang dapat mengetahui kesesatan? Bebaskanlah aku dari apa yang tidak kusadari" -Mazmur 19:13

'ih, gwe ga sadar kenapa ya kalau ada dia tiba-tiba bawaannya bete..'
'aduh ga tau kenapa tadi gwe ngomong kayak gitu, ga sadar..'

dan masih banyak kalimat lainnya yang terselip kata 'ga sadar', banyak hal yang kita lakukan, yang salah, dan berakhir dengan we blame on our consciousness. 

Pas kemaren FA, temen gwe share tentang ini.. gwe bahkan baru menyadari ada ayat ini di Alkitab, bahkan opung Daud juga sadar dari zaman dahulu kalau memang kadang kita bisa melakukan sesuatu tanpa kita sadari, dan opung Daud sadar kalau yang dia gak sadari, gak bisa dia kontrol, dan He asked God, untuk membebaskan dia dari segala hal yang dia gak sadarin, yang mungkin di hari-hari ke depan akan dia lakukan, akan dia ucapkan.


Dan mari yuk sama-sama belajar berdoa kayak opung Daud, untuk minta Tuhan yang take control of our mind, our consciousness, biar gak ada lagi tuh kesalahan-kesalahan yang kita lakuin dan ujung-ujungnya kita bilang 'aah gwe gak sadar kenapa gwe begitu..' 

Yeah, we all learning, satu hal, jatuh gak apa, what matter is, rise up, dan jauhi lobang itu, jangan jatuh di lobang yang sama, again and again, and again. 

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10 November 2012

Growth in God

"Where will you lead me God?"
"What do You want me to do?"
"What is Your concern in my life?"
"Am i choosing the right way to fulfill my destiny?"

Pernahkah mikir begini?
I just did, and still do somehow..
Satu minggu lalu, yeah, i'm overwhelmed with these questions.

Terus minggu lalu, gereja gwe kedatengan pendeta yang biasa bernubuat, dan (lagi) gwe pengen banget dinubuatin sama pendeta itu, misalnya langsung dibilang 'yes! kamu akan dipakai di bidang blablabla, kamu akan jadi berkat di blablabla, Tuhan mau kamu blablabla'. Tapi again, itu maunya gwe, manusia. Ternyata Tuhan maunya beda. I got nothing. Pendeta itu gak bernubuat apapun buat gwe.

Dan untuk kesekian ribu kalinya Tuhan membuktikan bahwa Dia gak lupa pernah nyiptain seorang christine natalia. Yes, He exactly hears me and knows my every thought. 

Malamnya, gwe lagi blog walking, baca-baca artikel bagus di blog orang, dan banyak ayat bertebaran di blognya, tapi sampai ke satu ayat, pas gwe baca.. 'deg! it's for me!'

Dan walaupun Tuhan memberi kamu roti dan air serba sedikit, namun Pengajarmu tidak akan menyembunyikan diri lagi, tetapi matamu akan terus melihat Dia, dan telingamu akan mendengar perkataan ini dari belakangmu: "Inilah jalan, berjalanlah mengikutinya," entah kamu menganan atau mengiri.-Yesaya 30:20-21

Wow wow wow.. Ayatnya segitu, tapi pas gwe baca dan renungin, it teaches me some points.

1. 'Dan walaupun Tuhan memberi kamu roti dan air serba sedikit'. HAAA. Pas renungin beberapa menit, setelah itu gwe agak serem sendiri. Roti dan air serba sedikit means, Tuhan gak akan lagi provides much things di depan gwe, yet still He is my Provider. Mungkin maksud disini adalah, Tuhan gak akan sering-sering kasih gwe nubuatan melalui pendeta-pendeta.
2. 'tetapi matamu akan terus melihat Dia'. Di bagian ini tapi diingetin, walaupun begitu, gwe harus tetep mandang Tuhan. Well, mulai terlihat maksudnya, berarti gwe gak di provided dengan nubuatan pendeta, tapi maunya Tuhan, gwe langsung liatnya ke Tuhan langsung, seek GOD.
3. 'dan telingamu akan mendengar perkataan ini dari belakangmu: "Inilah jalan, berjalanlah mengikutinya,"' wiw. Ini efek dari mata gwe HARUS TERUS melihat Tuhan, then Tuhan sendiri yang akan bilang ke gwe jalan mana yang harus gwe tempuh.
4. 'entah kamu menganan atau mengiri.' ini ngomongin obedience pastinya. Either nanti Tuhan suruh gwe nyemplung ke mana, jalan ke mana, mendaki ke mana, i should go. Ke kanan, ke kiri, selama itu sama Tuhan, yaaaaaaaaaaaa... lanjutkan. :)

Gwe sampe takjub dan berlinang air mata. Yah, walaupun tetep jawabannya belom dikasih gwe harus kemana, tapi rules and regulationnya udah dikasih tau nih. Mata kita wajib tertuju sama Tuhan dulu, then He shows the Path

Terus gwe kan sharing ini sama temen gwe, trus dia kasih ayat ke gwe, 

Psalm 32:8 (NIV)
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my loving eye on you

wow! Bayangin... Di Yesaya, mata gwe yang harus liat ke Tuhan, dan di Mazmur, dikasih tau kalau Tuhan juga liatin gwe, malah pake kata LOVING EYE. :")

Gak sampai disana.... Kemarin malam, lagi baca renungan, dan ayatnya Yeremia 31:3

The Lord appeared to him from far away.
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

Garis bawahi kata FAR AWAY. Duh, pas baca..... aduh Tuhan, kemaren bilangnya roti dan air sedikit, sekarang bilangnya from far away. Iya sih, abis itu ada lanjutannya, 'therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.' tapi kan ya.. tetep aja serem. :|

Trus i shared this sama salah satu mentor gwe, dan dia bilang.. 
'artinya tin, you are going to the next level, saat kita masih bayi-bayi rohani, dituntun terus sama Tuhan, diajarin.. dididik dengan nyata, tapi ada waktunya we should grow in Him even in our faith how we listen in His voice as a mature bride of God.. aku inget hamba Tuhan siapa gitu bilang, kalau Tuhan datang, gak mungkin cari bayi-bayi sebagai mempelai, tapi mempelai yang dewasa. Seperti ada waktunya bapa yang baik biarin anaknya jalan sendiri dan diliatin..'

Bisa bedain gak dua gambar ini?

Gambar disamping ini, anaknya masih kecil banget, dituntun terus, diajarin bener-bener gimana cara jalan, harus kemana, kaki mana yang maju duluan. Bener-bener dilindungin, karena ya itu.. masih sangat kecil, rentan dan lemah.

Tapi gambar satunya, dilepas. Anaknya yang udah lebih besar dibanding gambar pertama ini dibiarin jalan dulu, tapi Ayahnya tetep ada dibelakangnya, ngejagain, sambil kadang-kadang pasti bilang, 'awas ada lobang di depan', atau 'abis ini belok kanan ya..' Pasti. :) 

And yes God, i got it. You want me to only follow You. You want me to go to the next level of maturity with You. 


09 November 2012



Stop berkeluh kesah tentang kejombloan.
Stop berkeluh kesah tentang nyokap yang cerewet.
Stop berkeluh kesah tentang boss yang nyebelin.
Stop berkeluh kesah tentang bokap yang pelit.
Stop berkeluh kesah tentang kerjaan yang numpuk.
Stop berkeluh kesah tentang rutinitas yang membosankan.


Gwe barusan dapat kabar duka cita. I just read THIS.
It broke my heart to pieces! Terlebih karena, the guy who died is a father of my friend. :"

Iblis makin berusaha terlalu giat untuk hancurin anak-anak muda. Untuk meracuni pikiran anak muda.
Untuk menghancurkan image anak muda di mata dunia, kalau anak muda itu gak bisa apa-apa, bisanya cuma foya-foya, ngebangkang, ngelawan orang tua, drugs, free sex. 

Hey young people! RISE UP!
I just found great article to be shared with you guys, take a look!
God is Raising a Great Army of Young People!
by Mario Maxwell

I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to speak to the Body of Christ and tell them about the times and seasons that we are entering into.  We are embarking upon a season where the Kingdom of God is going to invade young people like never before!  God is going to do something so great with this next generation that it is going to blow our minds!
            What we are about to witness in this next season are answers to prayers that have gone up on behalf of youth everywhere.  Things are going to start happening suddenly on behalf of our youth!  God is rising up young people from all over the world to impact the nations for His Kingdom.  He is pouring out His Spirit upon them and anointing them to fulfill their destinies!  
A Favorable Generation
            The Lord will pour out His favor upon young people in this season like never before.  He is going to rise up young people in such an extraordinary way.  There will be a great amount of favor poured out to young people in the different arenas that they step into.  We are going to see many young actors and actresses being raised up who will command such an awesome amount of attention from the world.  God will raise them up and will use them to bring Him glory!  There are also going to be some Christian bands and groups that are going to be elevated to a place of major influence and favor.  God is going to use young people in a mighty way and we need to rejoice!
The Sound of Revival

          There is a sound coming forth out of the hearts of our young people.  It is the sound of revival.  Revival is going to break out all over the world!  It is going to begin in the United States and in Europe, particularly in England and the Red Light District of the Netherlands.  A fresh fire will burn in the hearts of young people everywhere as they begin to experience the power of God.  Many millions of souls will come pouring into the Kingdom as young people everywhere begin to testify about the awesome God that we serve.  The Lord will move upon young people in such a phenomenal way.  It will be unlike anything that we have seen before! 
Prophetically, there is an open door for souls to come into the Kingdom.  Whenever you see or hear about doors being opened for something or someone, it signifies that the person or people have been granted access to an area that was once restricted.  The Lord says that "Access has been granted to the millions of hungry young people that have not experienced the power of God.  Now is the time for them to hear of My goodness and become a part of My Kingdom."  He says,"I am reclaiming the youth of this nation and I will cause them to be on fire for Me.  He says that they will burn with a pure passion and a holy desire to see My Kingdom come and My will be done." 

Even if your children or youth are not saved and on fire for God right now, begin to see them and speak them into the Kingdom and know that you will soon see the fulfillment of the words that you speak!

         The Spirit of the Lord will begin to move upon young people in the Kingdom of God and they will begin to defy and break down old, religious structures.  They will begin to move with powerful and creative anointings that will be unlike anything the Body of Christ has ever seen.

There will be a powerful move of God that will breakout and break forth in our school systems.  The enemy has run rampant in our schools for far too long!  The Spirit of the Lord says "Now, I will begin to raise My Standard in the schools.  The Standard of the Lord shall rise once again."  The Spirit of the Lord will begin to break out and flood through our schools!  Spontaneous and uncontrollable moves of the Holy Spirit will take place! His presence will fall is such incredible ways that will not be contained! 

A Time to Stand!

            There is a powerful force of prayer that is coming forth out of young people.  They will begin to rise and come together to pray and intercede!  They will begin to gather together at their schools and other public places and begin to take a stand!  The force of their prayers and intercession will begin to shift many things in the heavenly realm and will cause an effect here in the earth.  They will begin to unite and take a stand against the enemy in our nation! 
A New Generation

There is a new generation that is arising.  I liken this new generation unto Joshua and Caleb.  The Bible says that Joshua and Caleb "had another spirit" (Num 14:24).  This spirit caused them to rise up and take possession of a promise that was given to their forefathers many generations ago.  The Lord says this next generation of people will rise up and take possession of the promises that He has given to them and to their forefathers long ago.  He says, "They will rise up and pick up the mantles of the generals of old.  I will pour out My Spirit upon them.  They will cast out devils and they will heal the sick.  They will work creative miracles.  They will testify of Me and cause My name to be great in the eyes of the world.  This generation shall hear My voice and they will break the cycles."

The generation that Joshua and Caleb spearheaded was a warrior generation.  They were a radical generation that had great success in war.  They were not afraid to neither confront nor conquer.  This coming generation of youth will war and conquer in the same way.  They will not be afraid to speak to forces of darkness that have plagued our society.  They will rise up and confront and overthrow abortion and other demonic structures in our land.  Their voices will be heard.  They will be heard on Capital Hill.  They will be heard in Washington, D.C.  Their voice will be heard in our legislation.  Their voice will be heard in the upcoming election.  They will be a radical generation of youth that will violently take the Kingdom by force (Matt 11:12)!

This generation will also be called a generation of worshippers. There will be such a distinct and unique sound that will flow through our youth.  They will be a generation of people who seek God's heart.  The Lord says, 'I will ignite a passion inside of them that cannot be quenched.  They will have a passion for the Kingdom like never before. They will hunger for Me and they will thirst for Me; and this hunger will be greater than any addiction, and it  will be greater than any pain.  They shall hunger for me and thirst for me and I will fill them, for they that hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled!"  There will be a great filling of the Holy Spirit. A great filling, a filling like never before.  The Spirit of the Lord will fall in such a way that we have never seen before!    

 Young people will unite under the banner of the name of the Lord!  In their unity and in their worship, they will create such a powerful sound that will break generational, denominational, and cultural barriers. They will demonstrate an ability to unite in such a way that will set a standard that the world must recognize.   
What we are going to see coming forth in these next few months concerning our young people is going to be awesome!  The Lord is going to raise up for Himself an army whose cadence will be His heartbeat.  Continue to pray for our young people, especially for their protection and their safety.  Most importantly, rejoice for the great things that God is going to do for and through our children!

Yes Yes Yes!
Dan iblis sungguh-sungguh sadar akan kegerakan anak muda yang dahsyat ini dan yes! dia berusaha menggagalkan setiap destiny anak muda dengan cara apapun.


Berdoa lebih lagi yuk untuk generasi kita, berdoa lebih untuk nama-nama yang sekelibat muncul di pikiran kamu, temen, sahabat, yang mungkin beberapa minggu, bulan ini Tuhan taruh di hati kita, berdoa buat kampus, berdoa buat para anak muda di lingkungan kita, biar hatinya, pikirannya, Tuhan yang take control. Berdoa lebih kencang lagi untuk generasi kita. 

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06 November 2012

Anak Panah (part2)

Kenapa judulnya part2?

Yap karena gwe pernah ngebahas tentang anak panah juga diSINI.
Terus kenapa dibahas ulang?
Karena kemarin pas ibadah hari Minggu, Pendetanya ngomongin ini lagi, dan yes, it hit me!


Anak panah itu dibuat untuk apa sih? Hit the target! Yes it is.
Seringkali kita, diibaratkan sebagai anak panah.

Seperti anak-anak panah di tangan pahlawan, demikianlah anak-anak pada masa muda. -Mazmur 127:4

Kemarin, Rick Riding, pendetanya sharing tentang ini..
Anak Panah. Untuk membuat anak panah ini tajam, harus diasah. Anak panah ini harus tajam supaya ketika ada masanya ia dipakai, ia harus menancap ke targetnya. Diasah itu gak mudah, diasah itu sakit, diasah itu proses. Ketika anak panah itu udah diasah sampai tajam, gak selalu langsung anak panah itu dipakai. Ada masanya anak panah itu disimpan di kantung si pemanah, sampai ada waktunya anak panah baru dilepas menuju sasarannya.

and it's definitely sama kayak hidup kita.

Kita sebagai anak panahnya, yes, kita melalui berbagai proses pengasahan. Keegoisan kita dikikis, kelemahan kita diproses, kesombongan kita dikeruk, atau lainnya. Proses kehidupan yang kamu alami, yang Tuhan ijinkan terjadi di hidup kamu.. ketika kita dalam proses itu, sekeliling kita bilang, 'sabar ya.. sabar.. nanti kita pasti tau the reason why God let things happen', atau pada bilang 'sabar, semua indah pada waktunya..' Yes. Dan kita sabar menanti selama proses sakit itu, tapi after that, mana? kita gak ngeliat kita melejit. Seperti yang biasa anak panah alami, setelah di proses, lalu dia melesat ke tujuannya. Mana? Hidup kita gak kayak gitu.

Ternyata kita lupa.
Ada masanya anak panah, setelah diasah, bukan langsung ditembakkan ke tujuannya, tapi malah masuk ke kantong si pemanah. Gelap, dan dingin. Yes. Bukannya kita melihat Tuhan membawa kita ke tujuannya yang indah, kita malah merasa itu, gelap, dingin, alone, lonely, the times when we feel, 'GOD, where are you?'

Tapi inget lagi kisah anak panah. Anak panah gak diciptakan buat stay di dalam kantung si pemanah for whole life, ada waktunya anak panah ini akan melesat tajam ke sasarannya, ke targetnya.

Jadi, kalau kamu orangnya, kamu yang merasa setelah melalui berbagai proses berat dalam hidup kamu, kamu merasa God leave you, kamu merasa Tuhan dimana? apa Tuhan lupa sama kamu. Yes you know the answer. NO! He will never leave and forsake you. Bahkan, Tuhan Yesus sendiri pernah ada di masa itu, ingat waktu Dia di taman getsemani? apa yang dia rasain?

“Ia sangat ketakutan dan makin bersungguh-sungguh berdoa. Peluhnya menjadi seperti titik-titik darah yang bertetesan ke tanah (Lukas 22:44)”.

Bahkan gak cuma pada masa itu, ketika Dia di kayu salib, inget apa yang Dia katakan?

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) -Matthew 27:46

Tapi, ingat apa yang terjadi setelah itu?
Yes. He conquered.
Dia memenagkan pertandingannya, He win over the death, dan karena Dialah kita yang harusnya menerima upah maut jadi punya kesempatan untuk live once again dan gak harus nanggung dosa-dosa kita itu.

I'm now surrounded by some people i know yang lagi ngalamin masa-masa itu. Setelah ngalamin masa sukarnya luar biasa, ngalamin masa proses pengasahannya, tapi bukannya terbang melesat, sekarang malah ngalamin masa alone, lonely and feeling abandoned itu. 

Nothing left to say selain, bertahan. Endure. 
Dan percayalah, your time will come, waktu itu akan tiba. Ketika kamu, anak panah yang selama ini disimpang di kantung pemanah, kemudian diletakkan di busur, ditarik sedemikian rupa, hingga kamu melesat jauh, tepat mengenai sasaran. Tepat mengenai tujuan yang diciptakan untuk kamu. Tujuan yang melebihi perkiraan kamu, tujuan yang pada akhirnya akan membuat kamu menyadari, betapa selama ini, all the process, are worth to wait for. 


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