27 June 2013

1.00 am

.. dan saya belum tidur!

Iseng-iseng buka FB, eh baru tau ditantangin Kezia buat ikut main 'what if'. Mumpung belom teler dan terkapar, boleh lah sini ai ladenin!

Orang-orang berkata kalo gue: 
Nyolot! Kalau pertama kali ketemu mukanya ngeselin minta ditabok. Tapi kalau udah kenal ternyata baik *ahey*

Kalo dapet 1 milyar gue pasti: 
Keliling dunia! Beli barang ini itu yang dari dulu dipengen dan pastinya sebagian besar abis buat dipalak mami suruh traktir dan dedek disuruh beliin ini itu. .___.

Klo kejebak macet gue…

tidur. What else we can do (selain ngetwit)?

Indonesia adalah negara yang…
kucinta. :"D 

Mantan gue…
Siapa ya? Sudah lupa tuh. HUAHAHAHA XD

Klo berada di depan kuburan M.J…
MJ siapa sih? Ceweknya spiderman? Emank udah meninggal? #kemudianditimpukmassa

Hidup ini penuh dengan…
Makanan! (kenapa harus kata ini yang terlintas pertama kali sih?!)

Tak ada tempat yang indah selain…

Ke mana pun gue pergi, pasti bawa…

Diri! Serem kan kalau gwe pergi tapi raganya gak ikutan.. *bentar lagi beneran ditimpuk*

Kalo divonis kanker… 

Pagi-pagi enaknya makan…

Firman Tuhan? Harusnya sih gitu ya.. Tapi lebih banyak bakmie ayam yang masuk ke perut gwe tiap pagi.

Pekerjaan yang paling membosankan di dunia adalah… 
Bersihin toilet. Salut sama mbak-mbak cleaning service di berbagai toilet di seluruh mall dan tempat publik lainnya. 

Hal yang paling mengerikan di dunia adalah… 
Godzilla beneran ada! Terus dinosaurus juga hidup, trus transformer juga ada, duh kebayang gak sih? *terlalu imajinatif*

Bencana alam itu…

Gak bisa dilawan. :(

Waktu SMA gue dikenal sebagai… 

Christine Natalia. :))))

Saat yang paling tenang, saat… 
Tidur setelah nangis semaleman ditemenin lagu 'You are my hiding place'. Nyenyak bener rasanya.

Paling males kalo ngelihat…
Orang pacaran lebay! Di eskalator cium-ciuman, di mana-mana gandengan. *enggak sirik loh*

Kalo orang ciuman didepan gue… 

... pfft. Harus ya? :p

Gue pengen banget… 

bisa makan banyak tanpa harus gendut! PLEASE!

Wanita2 cantik dan seksi di depan gw sambil ketawa2 keras2, dalem pikiran gue… 
Cantik-cantik koq ketawa nya gede bener?

Pria dengan jeans robek-robek, baju hitam gambar tengkorak, ngerokok, nongkrong depan circle-K, dalem pikiran gue… 
Gak sempet mikir, langsung masuk aja. Takut cyin~

Orang yang sok imut dan sok childish… 

Juga manusia. Yadahlahyaaa..

Lagi jalan, ada yang lewat pake motor bilang “f*** you” 
Eh? itu orang ngomong apa? Buat siapa ya? *sambil celingak celinguk*

Mama papa bilang kapan nikah? 
Terserah Tuhan aja mak! :"D

Afgan dateng kerumah…
Kenapa harus afgan?

Kalo tengah malem ditelepon pacar… 

...... pasti lagi mimpi! soalnya belum punya pacar kakakk!

Kalo besok kiamat… 
Jangan donk.... :"|

AH! Akhirnya kelar.. Selamat malam semua!

24 June 2013

Next step.

Manusia selama hidupnya selalu diperhadapkan dengan situasi (yang pada masanya) sulit, dan ujung-ujungnya harus memilih mana yang the best for them at that time. 

Setelah masa-masa memilih judul skripsi yang sesuai, masa-masa proses pembuatan skripsi yang aduhai, sampai sidang dan lulus, sekarang next stepnya... cari kerja. Another hard times for me. Honestly, gwe bahkan seperti kehilangan passion gwe yang dulunya pengen kerja di majalah jadi writer, sekarang seperti menguap dan bingung sebenernya gwe mau apa. Writer oke, tapi pengen nyoba yang lain juga. pft.

Dulu pas masih SMA, bingung milih ipa atau ips, beranjak gedean dikit, bingung milih kampus mana, jurusan apa, gedean lagi kayak sekarang, bingung mau apply kerja dimana, bingung mau ambil bidang apa. Nanti nextnya lagi bingung siapa pasangan hidupnya (asdfghjk :p). Selalu akan seperti itu, diperhadapkan dengan persimpangan yang lebih sulit. 

And you know what, for the million times, hari ini Tuhan buktiin kalau He hears me, He sees me, He knows my worry. Pas ibadah tadi, pendetanya bukain ayat ini.. *JENGJENG!

"Janganlah takut, sebab Aku menyertai engkau, janganlah bimbang, sebab Aku ini Allahmu; Aku akan meneguhkan, bahkan akan menolong engkau; Aku akan memegang engkau dengan tangan kanan-Ku yang membawa kemenangan." Yesaya 41:10

Setelah dikasih ayat itu yaaa bukan berarti tiba-tiba gwe tau gwe harus apply kemana, tiba-tiba dapet passion gwe dimana, tiba-tiba everything diungkapkan, yaaa ga gitu juga. :| Bingung masih, agak pusing-pusing dikit juga masih. Tapi berbeda sedikit kali ini, because i know He always takes care of me, dan yang terpenting, He says, FEAR NOT! Because He stands beside me, dan bahkan ujung-ujungnya i know, akan membawa kemenangan :") 

Nothing to be too worried about.

*ps: kali-kali yang baca ini punya kenalan di majalah lifestyle yang butuh writer, designer (maybe) atau sejenisnya yang butuh fresh graduate dari mass comm, bole loh kabar-kabarin #teteppromosi :p 

20 June 2013

Lions and Trials and Bears…

Imagine a shepherd boy minding his own business, doing what his father has asked him to do just like he had done yesterday and the day before. Today, however, his faith will be tested. A lion would come that day and take one the David’s sheep.

David was just a boy. How could he defend himself against a wild animal? He could have sat down in the middle of the field and given up. He could have cried out to God, “Why did you let this happen to me? You have given me more than I can handle. I thought you were supposed to bless me for all the things I have done right!” But David did not.

With confidence in God’s strength and assurance that he was not alone, David ran after that lion, killed him, and took back the sheep. Then, David went back to tending the sheep just as his father asked.

A few weeks passed, everything was going smoothly when out of no where a bear came along to take a sheep. David again could have gone home and left the sheep to cry in his bed, “God, how many times is this going to happen to me? You are NOT taking care of me like you said you would! When will I get my blessing??” But David did not. Again, he rose up and, remembering how God had helped him overcome the lion, David defeated the bear and saved the sheep once more.

David could not see the future. He did not know what was awaiting him. He did not know the enemy of the Lord would soon call his name and it would go down as one of the most famous upsets in history.

David and Goliath. How could he have known that the whole time he was being tested and God was preparing his heart for what was to come? He didn’t know. He simply trusted, and when Goliath called his name, he had the courage and faith to say,

Thy servant kept his father’s sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him. Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God. David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.
And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee. 1 Samuel 17: 34-37

David knew at that moment that everything that God had brought to him, and brought him through was preparation for possibly one of the greatest moments in his life for the glory of God. With each testing of his faith, God was preparing David to reach his full potential. With each trial, David’s faith was made stronger. God alone knew what David could handle in each situation, and David trusted his love and wisdom. 

Trials come to all of us. Sometimes right in the middle of doing exactly what God has called us to, God will throw us a curve ball. None of us are strangers to the lions and bears of troubles and trials in this life. When these trials arise, we can sit with our head in our hands and ask God “WHY?” …. or we can trust God’s hand working in our lives.

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:2-4

God is preparing you for something in the midst of a trial. He wants you to reach your full potential, and he does that through the testing of your faith. Just as exercise tears down muscle to build it back up stronger, God uses our hard life situations to tear down our pride, and self sufficiency, and to build our faith in HIM. When we are patient and trust His hand even when we can not see, we can be made little by little into what he has truly created us to be. 
We can always trust Him to bring us through every trial and every testing that comes our way, and believe me, they will come.

Looking back one day, you will be able to say, as David said, “God has never failed me before when I have trusted in Him…. and He will not fail me now.”

i copied this article from here, and i think it's worth to share..

Kalau kita renungin lagi, tahun-tahun ke belakang, masalah-masalah yang pernah kita alamin sebelumnya, momen-momen 'berdarah' yang pernah kita lalui. I just want to say, all things work together for my good. Ketika kita liat lagi ke belakang, semua kejadian itu berguna untuk masa kini, dan pasti berguna untuk masa depan kita. The thing is, ketika sekarang kita dihadapkan dengan masalah-masalah yang baru, we have to trust HIM. Percaya kalau nantinya ketika kita lulus ujian ini, akan berguna untuk next step in our lives. Ada amen? :))

Favorite of the day!

For those who think they don't have any friends.
For those who think they are alone struggling in this-not-so-big world.
For those who might be weary and tired.

Dengerin deh lagu ini. Found this song di path, dan pas dengerin, langsung suka banget! :'D

Mmm... Ohhh
We feel, we hear, your pain, your fear
But we're here, to say, who you are, is okay

And you don't have to go through this on your own
You're not alone

You have more friends than you know 
Some who surround you 
Some you are destined to meet  
You'll have more love in your life


 and yes, you are not alone, and you have more friends than you know :))

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17 June 2013

what it says..

Have you ever felt................

God doesn't love you enough.
He didn't give the best parent for you.
He didn't give the best of best friends for you.
He didn't give the things you want.
He didn't even there when you cry every single night.
He didn't even there when your friends are leaving you alone, one by one.
He didn't even there when your parents are mad at you for the things you've done and not.
He didn't even there when you feel alone, and lonely.
God doesn't love you enough, you think so.

But then you pause, and rethink about all of those things.

You think..

If He doesn't love you enough, it's impossible to get through life this far.
If He doesn't love you enough, you might be end up in a jail, or in the street begging for money.
Instead, you're in your bedroom, surfing the internet, still eat good food, still have a good sleep.
If He doesn't love you enough, you might be dead several months ago in a car accident.
But hey, He saved you that day.
If He doesn't love you enough................ you might found the courage to suicide long time ago.
But hey, He gave you love and hope.
If He doesn't love you enough...... no, that's a silly 'if'.

Then you rethink..

He loves you enough.
He is there when things get rough.
He is there when people are leaving.
He is there in your sleepless and teary nights.
He is there. He maybe silent. But He is there.
you know. you maybe not see Him, but you feel Him.
you feel He hugs you in the nights you cry on your pillow.
you feel His comforting presence when you scream loudly in your heart.
you know, you feel, you trust Him.
yes, in the deepest of your heart, you trust Him.

and you know what, when things get scattered, you have to trust what your deepest heart says, because it's the place where Christ lives inside of you.

and sst.. listen, what it says.....

it says, God loves you, for who you are. No matter how hard you fall, no matter how much you fail, no matter how screw you are, no matter how ugly you look, no matter how much prettier, more holy, more radical people around you, God loves you still.

Yes, at least, this what my deepest heart told me today, and everyday when i start to doubt it again.

*currently love 10.000 reasons song by Matt Redman*
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14 June 2013


There's a difference between God doesn't say anything, or we unconsciously ignoring His still small gently voice.

Listen, once more, maybe He does speak, in your deepest heart where He lives, what to do.