12 July 2015

Irony of Acceptance

Few weeks ago, ada satu kabar yang menggemparkan dunia. Yes, pelegalan gay 'right.' Diperbolehkan pernikahan sesama jenis yang memicu pro dan kontra. I won't talk about this topic in details karena for me, I'm on the contra side to the things yet I still love the people (cause i have some gay friends) but I love them enough to tell them that........ that's not excusable. Well, yang mau gwe omongin di sini adalah, people try so hard to be accepted. Dengan adanya hukum yang melegalkan itu, 'mereka' merasa diterima dan diperlakukan 'adil'.

Then I realized how important the feeling of being accepted. Diterima, diperlakukan adil, dianggap. These are the most essential thing for many people, I assume. Then most of people try so hard to fit in, we try so hard to fit in. We try so hard to feel accepted, we try so hard to receive approval from people.

We dress up, we make up, we post instagram-able pict on Instagram, we post many 'cool' moments on Path, we hang out to the fancy cafe, we use high-tec gadgets, and so many things we do actually in the pursue of accepted. Ketika kita merasa nggak diterima, merasa diperlakukan nggak adil, merasa dicuekin, we upset. We disappointed, we hurt. 

Ironisnya, kita mencari penerimaan di dunia yang sementara. Oke, tahun ini kita pake iPhone 5 dan kita 'diterima' oleh society. 5 tahun kedepan, we have to change (again) in order to be accepted. Kita berlomba dengan perubahan yang ada untuk bisa diterima. Sedihnya, kita salah cari penerimaan. While in fact, we have already accepted by the One who created the earth. So why on earth we try to be accepted in the eyes of people?

Kenapa kita harus ngelakuin banyak hal untuk bisa fit in dan diterima ketika kita udah jaaaauh diterima apa adanya sama Tuhan and we were born to set apart, live sacred life, not to fit in. 

"Kok lo mau sama dia?
"Karena dia nerima gwe apa adanya?"
"What? Dia maksa lo buat kurus, dia maksa lo buat make up kalau lagi pergi sama temen-temennya, dia maksa lo buat pake high heels, itu yang lo maksud 'dia nerima gwe apa adanya'?

"Ma, aku pengen iPhone.."
"Buat apa dek? Kamu kan udah ada hape.."
"Tapi kurang canggih ma, temen-temen aku semua pakenya iPhone.."

Pernah ngalamin atau denger kisah sejenis ini? Dengan alibi 'nerima gwe apa adanya,' then kita iya aja sama apa yang terjadi, apa yang kita alamin even kalau itu sebenarnya buruk. Kita ngebet ikutan pake gadget paling hits tapi mahal cuma karena 'semuanya juga pake.'

Gwe geregetan menyadari kalau ternyata kebanyakan masalah yang menyangkut tentang perasaan dan ke-humanity-an itu berasal dari keinginan dan kehausan untuk diterima.

Serius deh, padahal kita udah diterima seada-adanya dan seapa-adanya sama Tuhan. Instead of seeking of human's approval yang syaratnya aneh-aneh dan suka berganti sesuka zaman. Mendingan ikutin terms and conditionnya Tuhan aja yang selalu sama setiap waktu. 

That term and condition tells us that we are accepted always, we are worth and precious in God's eyes and nothing can define our worth unless our Creator Himself. :)

Just believe.

"God, if you are with me, why I experienced this pain?"
"If You guard me all the time, why I suffer?"
"God, if you do love me.. why You let those things happen?"
 "Kid.. Don't you think I always be with Joseph?"

The LORD was with Joseph so that he prospered, 
and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. -Genesis 39:2

".. yet Joseph still experienced the suffering. Moments when he were abandoned by his brothers. When he was in the prison, when he was a slave to Egyptian master. Yes, I was with Joseph all those time."

"Why? Why if You are with me, I still experienced the pain, the lost, the suffering?"
"Because I want to teach you things. Happiness and easy things are not the only proof that I am with you. In those unhappy moments, I want to tell you that I still be with you. That's how you learn, that's how you grow."

In the same way I will not cause pain
without allowing something new to be born,” says the Lord. -Isaiah 66:9 (NCV)

"Just believe.. That everything happens for a reason and all things work together for your goodnes, kid."

*dalam rangka pembelajaran pasca kehilangan iPhone karena dicopet di kopaja :")